Like many charities, Cue and Review "Print Speaking to the Blind" is going through a period of change. With the cost of living crisis, we are looking at the best use of our facilities.
Do we need the 1793 square feet that we currently occupy on the ground floor?
Could we work with other local charities to use this as a downstairs hot desking facility,
or could we rent the space to commercial tenants and use a much smaller office upstairs?
The total space rental, excluding gas and electricity, would be £2689.50 per month.
If you are interested in being that commercial tenant or are curious as a social enterprise or charity in sharing the space, don't hesitate to contact our Managing Director, Alastair McPhee, to discuss how you could use the area and what you would bring to the building.
Book time with Alastair - Managing Editor/Director: Quick Chat Meetings for Tenants